Monday, May 24, 2010

I commented on Hunter Goodson's engaging post, I commented on David's blog and said that I liked the way he cared about his education here, Hannah's descriptive post, Miles' amazing post, and Lauren's engaging post. I hope this really is the last assignment=)!

-Michael Page

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

My ScHoOl YeAr ExPeRiEnCe!!

It was late in August and I was just about to wrap up the summer. I was going school supplies shopping and then the thought occured to me. This was about to be another boring year a school. But that was all about to change.

It was the day, I had walked into the classroom when I had seen a few people from last year and then a few new people. New people meant new friends and new changes I thought to myself. I had always like the same things, I had never wanted anything to change but it happens and you cannot do anyhthing about change because it has to happen one day or another so I hoped for the best.

The new people were Ben Snoga, Hunter Goodson, and the Russian, David Wenske. I wondered what they would be like. I had thought it was just another boring school year, but I was about to be corrected. I had gone through the first class and it seemed days after the first school day was over.

After a month of the same old same old I had started becoming friends with the new people, especially he Russian, David Wenske. He made me laugh until my lungs gave out. It wasn't that he tried to be funny, it just seemed to come naturally from my perspective. He would always bring the same lunches: a banana, ruffles/cheetos, H.E.B. smoothie drink, and his now famous Russian Jelly Bread. He brings the same lunch to this day every day. My classes were okay, I learned to get used to them.
Roger had been at New Braunfels Middle School for the first few weeks. I had never expected him to come back at all but he did and it was great. He helped our basketball team this year by a mile! Without him we would have been far from where we are now!

There was new teachers too. The first teacher was Mrs. Malone. She was just a blessing full of joy. She is great. She makes math fun to learn.

Mrs. McNichols was also a new teacher and she is pretty cool too. She is a great creative history teacher. She is my second period class and I'm glad she was our teacher for history this year.

Then there was also the ever so exiting teacher, coach Matulich who is the p.e. coach and he is cool as long as you don't say a single word to him. If you possess one flaw in anything he doesn't agree with. He sometimes lets us do what we want which is pretty awesome too.

This school year was very fun and I hope I have many more school years like this!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Where I Would Like To Visit...

I would like to visit many places in the world. But the place I want to visit most is New York. New York is an intriguing place. It has many historical land marks such as the Empire State Building and "ground zero" which is the site of the twin towers when they were there around ten years ago before the terrorist attack that killed many people. It is a very sad site at ground zero. New York is one of the busiest places and there are only taxi cars and very little regular cars. They have great foods like New York style pizza and hot dogs that are unique from the street-side stands. I also would like to meet all the cranky people who are ignorant. I really want to visit New York because it is a neat,fun,exciting place that you can't miss out on!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Bob's Amazing Plane Trip

Poor Bob had the cheapest parents on the planet, but that would soon change. They never threw away anything. The house was a complete junk yard, and nothing was new. He could not stand having parents who never gave him anything new. One time, the television broke and his dad went to twelve different garage sales to get a new one. It was about to be Bob's birthday, and he asked for an ipod for his thirteenth birthday, and he got a case for an ipod his parents said he would have to buy with his own money. He was infuriated. He did not even get a present the past two years! He yelled," Why can't you get anything new?! I have seen our bank account status, and we could fly around the world with the money we have in it! I am tired of all of these used things! For once in my life, I want something that is actually new!" His parents were shocked.
Bob woke up the next morning, and walked out of his room. His parents asked hi to look out the window, and in the driveway, there was a plane with a big silver bow on top! "Happy late birthday!" his parents said. " We are going on a trip around he world!" they said. He was amazed! He would go to London, Paris, Rome, Beijing, Los Angeles, New York, and endless places. "How long will this endeavor take, Mom?" he asked. "About a year, "she replied. He couldn't believe it! An entire year, away from his school, boring, little Texarkana, Texas, and into the life of a king in 5 star hotels, the customer service on the ring of a bell, oh, he would love this! As he packed up his things, he saw a man walking into the kitchen. "Mom! There is a robber! Run!" He screamed. "That is our pilot, son!" she yelled back. As he walked out of the house, he thought," Maybe I should go off on my parents more often."
They were off! First stop, New york! He got there, checked into the four seasons hotel, and they took a taxi to times square. Bob's first goal for New York was to insult everyone in sight for two hours straight. After he had made enough people mad to start a war, he went to the Empire State Building and they all dropped pennies from the top of the building. They took a tour of the city, and sadly, the day had ended. They went off to the hotel and when they woke up, they took the plane across the Atlantic. When they landed at London, they checked into the Portobello Hotel and drove around the city. He went on the London Eye Ferris Wheel, the Bank of England, and they took a trip to the Stonehenge. After they took a tour of the downtown London, they went back to the hotel and had a good night's rest.
When they woke up, the plane was already started and they got their stuff and flew to Paris. It was amazing! they went up to the top of the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre Museum, and the Arc De Trioumph. That night, they fell in love with Paris so much that they decided to stay for a week in Paris. They visited cafes, they marveled at the numerous gardens, the wonderful architectures, and the grand hotels. Finally when it was time to leave, they climbed into the plane and flew to Rome that night. They visited Rome, Sicily, Venice, Florence, Milan, and Naples over a time period of 2 weeks.
They decided to go to Dubai. They were bored in Dubai. They decided to fly all the way to China and visit the Great Wall, Beijing, Shanghai, and Hong Kong. They were off! Finally, They landed at Beijing, and they visited the Emperor's Palace. Then they went to Shanghai and took so many pictures, they had to buy a new camera! After that, they walked 19 miles on the Great Wall of China. Then, when they were just in sight of Hong Kong, the plane's engines died! they took a nose dive, and just 300 meters away from the port, they landed in the water! Normally, his old cheap parents would have had an anneurism and blamed it on him, but this time, they just laughed and said," Let us go home and start all over again!"

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Please comment on this blog and tell us what you think!!!!!
1. Whose blog has a Beatles header?
Annamarie has a Beatles header.
2. Who wrote about influences?
Helena Anzures wrote about influences.
3. Who has a summer count down clock posted on their blog? Hint: There's more than one.
Mrs. Anzures, Hannah Head, and Audrey Jonas have the countdown clock.
4. Who is going to own who on the basketball court?
Hunter Glazener says that he is going to own Roger Nunez, but Roger says he will own Hunter.
5. Who has been to Cancun?
Michael Page has been to Cancun.
6. Who has a cousin that plays in the NFL?
Ben Snoga has a cousin who plays in the NFL.
7. Who is flyguy899?
Arthur is flyguy899.
8. How many blog pages have PacMan available to play?
There are two blog pages with PacMan available!
9. Who has movie trailers available for viewing at the click of a the mouse?
Stephen and Annamarie have movie trailers.
10. Whose blog title is a "Sound of Music" song?
Katelyn's blog has the title that is a "The Sound Of Music" song.
11. Who has played "Jazz Band Jubilee" this school year?
The NBCA Middle School Band has played that.
12. Who wrote in a blog post, "You don't forgive people because you are weak, you forgive people because you are strong enough to know how to."
Helena Anzures wrote that.
13. Frederick is...?
Hannah Head's turtle.
14. Who wrote, "Make Your Words Come To Life With Vivid Description," on their blog?
Mrs. Anzures did.
15. Who is Chancho?
It is Gracen's purple llama!
16. Which band or artist pops up most on the 500 most popular albums and songs list?
The Beatles do, and they are awesome!
17. What colors are the pentagram?
They are red green, blue, and pink.
18. Who's going to cheerleading camp this summer?
Meagan Edge is going to cheer leading camp.
19. How many blogs have Justin Bieber playing on their playlist?
There are nine and counting. GOOD GRIEF!
20. Pickles Gone Wild wants you to feed what?
Pinky the pig and Fishies want to be fed.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Last summer me and my family went to Corpus Christi. We spent three days at The Port Royal hotel. We spent a good majority of the time on the beach though. We had a great time there just spending some time with my family. We also ate at a few great restaraunts. One restaraunt we ate at was called Snoopy's. I enjoyed seafood and a great view of the ocean. It was a great time bonding time with my siblings and my parents. I hope I can have many more memories with my family like I did last summer.

- Aaron Gomez

about aaron

I am 13 years old and my birthday is in november. My favorite things I like to do are sports. I play football and basketball. I enjoy playing competitively. I also like to play with my friends and for my school. I do sports to feel relaxed and just to feel accomplished. I am a Christian and I attend New Braunfels Christian Academy in Texas.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


I have gone to Cancun numerous times, but my favorite time was my first. We took a plane from Cuidad Victoria to Mexico City and then took a plane directly to Cancun. As we got out, we got our stuff and headed to the van. As we drove into the city, it amazed me with the class of the city, with its five star hotels, high rise apartments, shopping centers, and upbeat discos. As we pulled up to our all-inclusive hotel, we were awestruck with its style with bouquets as big as a car. The Marriott at Casablanca was the nicest hotel I had ever stayed. Our bags were carried up to our rooms, and we stepped inside our room. Just the the view left me dumbfounded! We went out to the Olympic-sized swimming pool and took a dive. We went down to the crystalline clear sea and took a swim in the best Caribbean sea I had ever been in. Next day after the most refreshing sleep ever, we went down to the sea, and we checked out the local attractions. We decided to go to Xel-Ha, which is sort of a water park, nature reserve, and zoo all in one park. Then we went to make reservations for Xcaret- another park like Xel-Ha , and then went back to the hotel. We played in the pool, and then went down to the beach. The next day, when we got up, and we walked to the all you can eat buffet, we found out my sister was sick, and so we took her back to the hotel room instead of going down to the pool, and then As my mom stayed behind, the rest of us went back to the lobby. We decided to go downtown and just walk down the entire stretch of downtown Cancun.
After this trip, I fell in love with Cancun. That night we walked the entire plaza. We saw the Coco Bongo, the Rain Forest Cafe, and the Forum, a shopping mall that was the most amazing mall with the Rain Forest Cafe, the Hard Rock cafe, and other places to eat. We ate at the Argentinian Steak House, and had the best dinner eve in an amazing ambiance. After that, we went to our hotel, and went to sleep. The next morning, we went to the lobby, and took a shuttle all the way to Xel-Ha , and sadly, since my sister was sick, my mom had to stay behind and take care of her. We went inside, and were amazed by everything that was there, including loose Guacamayas, a petting zoo, pools of exotic fish, and feeding the fish in the little inlet that there was yourself. I went, and signed up for swimming with dolphins, and got to pet them, play with them, and one of them even kissed me! They reminded me of having a dog in the water.
The next day we went and took a shuttle to Xcaret, and we had an even better time there! There was a grave yard with the most creative graves I had ever seen, a church with a crucifix made out of a branching tree trunk with Jesus' face carved out of the middle, naturally made pools from reefs, iguanas running loose all over the park, a zoo, a swim with the dolphins program, a nature walk, a mushroom farm, an orchid nursery, a boat ride through an exotic cenote, and the best of all, a grand show at the end. First, they reenacted the ball games that the mayans used, the ones that where you had to hit the ball with your hip into a hoop 20 feet above you. Then they had people sing. First they had Mayan music, then they had Spanish music from Spain. After that they played every traditional song from every state that glorifies that state, then to top it all off, they had a grand finale, with a song about Mexico. Then we went home, awestruck but exhausted, and fell asleep as soon as we hit the pillow.
The next day, just me and my mom went to Isla Mujeres, an island off the coast a little to the north, and had a blast. We rented a car, and traveled the whole town up and down. We were amazed at the beauty, but also the island had poverty. After that day, we went home on a plane to Monterrey and then went home. Well that was my trip in a nutshell.

Monday, May 3, 2010

All About Me

I live in New Braunfels, Texas, and love to play baseball and basketball. I am addicted to swimming in the summer time, mainly because we have the Comal River and the waterpark Schlitterbahn, but have never been on a swim team. I go to New Braunfels Christian Academy(Christ rules!) and aspire to become a lawyer someday. I have always wanted to be a flight attendant for a few years just to explore the world, and since I live in a really touristic town( trust me, tourists get extremely annoying), I have decided to make a travel blog. I have not been to really that many places, but have been to countless places in Mexico like Cancun, Isla Cozumel, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico City, Monterrey, Tampico, Veracruz, San Luis Potosi, and Victoria. We are planning to go to Santa Fe this summer, and go to Yellowstone the next summer. I have been to practically every place in Texas.

Bumper sticker of the Day!!