Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Bob's Amazing Plane Trip

Poor Bob had the cheapest parents on the planet, but that would soon change. They never threw away anything. The house was a complete junk yard, and nothing was new. He could not stand having parents who never gave him anything new. One time, the television broke and his dad went to twelve different garage sales to get a new one. It was about to be Bob's birthday, and he asked for an ipod for his thirteenth birthday, and he got a case for an ipod his parents said he would have to buy with his own money. He was infuriated. He did not even get a present the past two years! He yelled," Why can't you get anything new?! I have seen our bank account status, and we could fly around the world with the money we have in it! I am tired of all of these used things! For once in my life, I want something that is actually new!" His parents were shocked.
Bob woke up the next morning, and walked out of his room. His parents asked hi to look out the window, and in the driveway, there was a plane with a big silver bow on top! "Happy late birthday!" his parents said. " We are going on a trip around he world!" they said. He was amazed! He would go to London, Paris, Rome, Beijing, Los Angeles, New York, and endless places. "How long will this endeavor take, Mom?" he asked. "About a year, "she replied. He couldn't believe it! An entire year, away from his school, boring, little Texarkana, Texas, and into the life of a king in 5 star hotels, the customer service on the ring of a bell, oh, he would love this! As he packed up his things, he saw a man walking into the kitchen. "Mom! There is a robber! Run!" He screamed. "That is our pilot, son!" she yelled back. As he walked out of the house, he thought," Maybe I should go off on my parents more often."
They were off! First stop, New york! He got there, checked into the four seasons hotel, and they took a taxi to times square. Bob's first goal for New York was to insult everyone in sight for two hours straight. After he had made enough people mad to start a war, he went to the Empire State Building and they all dropped pennies from the top of the building. They took a tour of the city, and sadly, the day had ended. They went off to the hotel and when they woke up, they took the plane across the Atlantic. When they landed at London, they checked into the Portobello Hotel and drove around the city. He went on the London Eye Ferris Wheel, the Bank of England, and they took a trip to the Stonehenge. After they took a tour of the downtown London, they went back to the hotel and had a good night's rest.
When they woke up, the plane was already started and they got their stuff and flew to Paris. It was amazing! they went up to the top of the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre Museum, and the Arc De Trioumph. That night, they fell in love with Paris so much that they decided to stay for a week in Paris. They visited cafes, they marveled at the numerous gardens, the wonderful architectures, and the grand hotels. Finally when it was time to leave, they climbed into the plane and flew to Rome that night. They visited Rome, Sicily, Venice, Florence, Milan, and Naples over a time period of 2 weeks.
They decided to go to Dubai. They were bored in Dubai. They decided to fly all the way to China and visit the Great Wall, Beijing, Shanghai, and Hong Kong. They were off! Finally, They landed at Beijing, and they visited the Emperor's Palace. Then they went to Shanghai and took so many pictures, they had to buy a new camera! After that, they walked 19 miles on the Great Wall of China. Then, when they were just in sight of Hong Kong, the plane's engines died! they took a nose dive, and just 300 meters away from the port, they landed in the water! Normally, his old cheap parents would have had an anneurism and blamed it on him, but this time, they just laughed and said," Let us go home and start all over again!"

1 comment:

  1. Michael, this is a really entertaining story! Starts off humorous, which really grabs the attention of your readers! How ironic that their plane crashed in the end.
    ~Mrs. A


Bumper sticker of the Day!!